Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where I ask again for help.

I did this before and gave away a few copies Chasing Filthy Lucre. Got one very nice review and I know others are reading it. But, I'm going to ask again for help in getting the word out about Chasing Filthy Lucre. I think I've written a good story. I think many people will like it, whether they are a sci-fi fan or not. So why aren't people buying it? Because they don't know it's there. That's why I need your help.

If you will agree to read my novella and, if you like it, tell folks about it, then I'll give you a coupon for a free copy at Smashwords. Telling people may mean a review at Amazon or Smashwords. It may mean posting something on a message board, Twitter, or a blog. It may mean just talking with friends and mentioning you liked it. But tell someone.

So if you agree to help, leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send you a coupon code.

Thanks in advance.


  1. Jarrett,

    I'm in. You know me, I am a fan. I love your writing. I'm tied up with other reading and writing commitments for the next two weeks at least, but after that I would love to read your book and give comments everywhere they'l take them.

  2. A coupon code on the way, Daryl. Appreciate the help. And there's no time table or anything. Just need help getting the word out.
