Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Making plans and self-publishing

Gina and I were in Washington state this weekend for our nephew's wedding. It was a great time and nice to get away, even if I only missed one day's work. Gina was gone for longer, ten days if my counting is correct. She went up a week earlier than me for the nieces' high school graduation. She then went to the Oregon coast for a couple of days while I worked and wrote here in Texas.

The area up there is very pretty, and, considering the heat we have here in Dallas, the weather was a nice break for me. I know everyone else who had spent more than a week in the 60 and 70 degrees temperatures was ready to get back to the heat.

On our plane ride back I pulled out a little notebook Gina got me for the writers conference I went to. I opened it and wrote out my plans for my series of stories I have been writing. I plotted out when I could be done with the current WIP and how long it would take to finish another piece that's started and sitting on my desktop. I figured that by September I could have the current WIP written and edited. I have a friend who has agreed to be a Beta reader. And I need to know what Gina thinks. She's nothing if not honest with me, so I know she'll me when something isn't working. So, by September I could have that one done. After that it's up to me to format it and get it into the Kindle store and on Smashwords. And with my plan I'd release one story each month September through December to have at least four titles available by the end of year.

I am shooting for December since I am suspecting that there will be several iPad and other e-readers given as gifts for Christmas and I want to have stories out the for purchase for anyone looking to fill their e-shelves.

So that's the plan for now. Self-publishing my own stuff. Building an audience and maybe supplementing my day job with income from writing. I'm excited about this plan. Wish me well.

And, by the way, I'll have more thoughts on self-publishing in a coming post. Just a year or so ago I was against the idea, but I've had a change of heart. I'll explain what did that.


  1. Sounds like a great plan. I've been enjoying reading the snippets you've been posting. I think you're writing is great and that's not even really my biased opinion. If I was giving that I'd say you are freaking awesome! :)

    We missed you at the graduation but so glad you could make it for the wedding. It sure meant a lot to Marvin and I.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, well, does that mean I will have the iPad? Oh, that is right it is my graduation present from college.

  4. You want an iPad for your graduation present?

  5. Of course I do. Why not? He was supposed to already get it, but couldn't decide between the different ones.
