I really appreciate you submitting to BTAP and I certainly hope you do again. GETTING EVEN contains terrific writing and an interesting world that you have created. Unfortunately, the ending just didn't do it for me. I don't usually get this specific in rejection letters but I wanted you to know I liked many elements of this tale. Once again, please feel free to submit to BTAP (especially sci-fi) again in the future.
So, he really liked the writing. That was great to hear. Makes me think that I can do this. There is still work to do. I know I struggle with endings. It was something I was aware of before getting this rejection. This reinforces the point.
It was also nice to hear that the world was interesting. This takes place in a world that is fully formed in my head, but I don't know that I am doing it justice when I put it on paper. Looks like i may be on the right track.
Overall this is the second, and maybe third, personal rejection I have received. It's something that I was under the impression was rare. Maybe it is and I am just getting lucky. Doesn't matter, I'll take it. The personal feedback is making me better.